Stream capturing with MediaRecorder

The new MediaRecorder WebAPI makes media recording super easy. It allows storing chunks of data from a media stream as blobs, which can later be concatenated and saved as a single file. As time passes, more sources of media streams are added. We can capture media from:

  • Media Devices
  • Canvas
  • Media Elements:
    • <video />
    • <audio />


Media Devices

The key component in using MediaRecorder is having access to a MediaStream. The early uses of MediaStreams came with the use of getUserMedia() method to gain access to local media devices.

navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia().then(stream => {
  console.log('Captured MediaStream:', stream);


The <canvas /> element implements a method captureStream() that captures content rendered on the canvas element, each time the content changes.

We can supply an optional argument that controls the number of frames recorded per second (FPS).

// frames recorded only on re-renders
const stream = canvas.captureStream();

// 30 frames recorded per second
const stream = canvas.captureStream(30);

Note: To stream returned by canvas.captureStream() is of type CanvasCaptureMediaStream and not MediaStream. This difference will be important later.

Media Elements

In modern browsers, the HTMLMediaElement interface also adds the method captureStream() that pipes the media content into a continuous stream. Since HTMLMediaElement is implemented by both <video /> and <audio /> elements, we can capture media streams from both these elements.

But there’s a difference. Here, the frames are captured in real time. If the video being recorded is paused, the frozen frame will be captured repeatedly.

Note: To use this method in Google Chrome, you need to enable the “Experimental Web Platform features” flag. You can copy/paste the below for quick access.


Using MediaRecorder

Using the MediaRecorder API is super simple. Here’s a short snippet that highlights all the key parts.

// Get a MediaStream object to record
// and pass it to MediaRecorder constructor
// to create a MediaRecorder instance `recorder`
const stream = mediaElement.captureStream();
const recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);

// When recording starts, the captured frames are emitted
// as `dataavailable` events on the `recorder`.
// These captured "chunks" can be collected in an array.
const allChunks = [];
recorder.ondataavailable = e => {

// Start recording

// We can pause capturing media and resume again later
// to deal with irregular media playback
// (likely due to user interactions or buffering)

// When we're done, we can stop recording.
// This ensures that no more media chunks are captured,
// even if media playback continues.

// We can now join all the chunks
// into a single "blob" ...
const fullBlob = new Blob(allChunks);

// ... which we can download using HTML5 `download` attribute on <a />
const link = document.createElement('a'); = 'none';

const downloadUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(fullBlob);
link.href = downloadUrl; = 'media.webm';



1. Media parameters

The constructor takes an optional argument that can have the following options:

  • mimeType: The mime type to use for the recording.
  • audioBitsPerSecond: The bitrate for the audio component of the media.
  • videoBitsPerSecond: The bitrate for the video component of the media.
  • bitsPerSecond: The bitrate for both, the audio and the video components of the media.

If bitsPerSecond is provided with one of audioBitsPerSecond or videoBitsPerSecond, it will be applied to the missing one.

Out of them all, mimeType is the most important one. It controls the codecs used for encoding audio and video components.

const codec = 'video/webm';

const recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream, {
  mimeType: codec,
  audioBitsPerSecond: 1000000 // 1 Mbps
  bitsPerSecond: 1000000      // 2 Mbps
  // videoBitsPerSecond will also be 2 Mbps

To check if a codec is supported, use MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported().

MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('video/webm'); // true
MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('video/mp4'); // false

At the time of writing, the supported codecs are:

# audio codecs

# video codecs






2. Capturing time slices

We can pass an optional argument to MediaRecorder.start(). This is the timeslice. It is the duration (in milliseconds) of the segment of captured media, emitted in each event.

If not specified, all media captured will be returned in a single Blob.


At the time of writing, the whole MediaRecorder API is bleeding edge and support for HTMLMediaElement.captureStream() is rare. But there’s a way to make it work.

For capturing audio stream, we can use the Web Audio API. There are 3 steps:

  1. Create a source node from the media element.
  2. Create a stream destination node.
  3. Connect the source node to the stream destination node.

For capturing video stream, we can render a <video /> element onto a <canvas /> element and capture frames from it.

// audio polyfill

function polyfillAudio(mediaElement) {
  const audioCtx = new AudioContext();

  // create a source node and a stream destination node
  const source = audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(mediaElement);
  const destination = audioCtx.createMediaStreamDestination();

  // Connect the source node to the stream destination node
  // to push audio content into the stream

  // Connect the source node to the audio context's destination node
  // so the playback can still deliver audio

  const audioStream =;

  return audioStream;

// video polyfill

function polyfillVideo(mediaElement) {
  // Create a canvas element
  const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');

  // Start rendering video frames onto the canvas
  renderVideoFrame(canvas, videoElement);

  const videoStream = canvas.captureStream(60);

  return videoStream;

function renderVideoFrame(canvas, videoElement) {
  const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

  ctx.drawImage(videoElement, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

  setTimeout(() => renderVideoFrame(canvas, videoElement));

Now we need to do combine the 2 streams and voila!

const stream = new MediaStream([

Rocky performance

There are a few bumps in using MediaRecorder.

1. Partial Metadata

One serious problem is that the saved recordings have no duration attribute. To record media, MediaRecorder uses the Matroska container format. The Matroska format doesn’t treat duration as a mandatory element.

As a result, it is not embedded in the file’s header.

Also, adding it isn’t an easy procedure, nor is it simple - it’s doable, but “takes more than a weekend” kind of doable.

2. Adaptive Streaming

When capturing videos served using DASH Adaptive Streaming, changing the resolution causes frame corruption. I haven’t yet figured out a way to sole this problem, but using the <canvas /> polyfill seems to work just fine.

Here’s a demo video highlighting the 2 problems.

The end

In the future, as browser support for grows, people and organisations alike will start rolling out extensions, plugins and softwares allowing client-side media capturing. It can be used in an electron apps like camera, video calling, media player. But for today, it is more or less an niche experimental toy.

At this point, it’d be good to have some demos and the source code.